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Window expert explains why homeowners and contractors choose vinyl

Vinyl windows have been around for many years and remain a leading choice for professionals and homeowners around the world when it comes to getting the best performance, longevity and efficiency. But beyond its great performance, what makes vinyl such an appealing material for windows? We’ve asked Matthew Currin, Product Manager for Aperture Solutions – U.S. at Simonton Windows & Doors’ parent company, Cornerstone Building Brands, to answer a few questions about why homeowners and contractors see vinyl as the best choice for replacement windows.


Q: Why do contractors tend to prefer working with vinyl?

A: One of the main reasons contractors opt for vinyl windows is because of their durable material. Its multi-chambered profiles and welded corners offer high resistance to air and moisture infiltration as well as increased thermal efficiency and structural integrity. This means contractors and homeowners don’t have to worry about costly and time-consuming issues such as air leaks, water damage, or energy loss, which can arise with less durable materials.

Q: How does the performance of vinyl affect homeowners’ decisions?

A: Homeowners are typically looking for performance and longevity with as little hassle as possible. With vinyl windows requiring less overall maintenance, it’s easy to see why homeowners prefer them. Once they’ve been installed, the only real responsibility of the homeowner is to keep them clean. These frames are also highly durable and can stand up to weather and damage better than most materials, so you don’t need to worry about damage or repairs. We see great customer satisfaction with our vinyl windows because there are very few callbacks to the home after an installation. On top of that, most high-quality vinyl windows come with a lifetime warranty, so you’re pretty much guaranteed great performance. That’s a major influence on the homeowner’s decision as well.

Q: What are some benefits that aren’t always mentioned?

A: Something that can often be an afterthought is security. Windows can really be a weak point in a home, especially with older windows. Rest assured, though: vinyl windows are compatible with most window security hardware available on the market today. Features like vent latches and security glass can help prevent forced entry, adding peace of mind for both the homeowner and the contractor. Combined with their inherent strength and durability, vinyl windows are a great way to help deter security issues in the home.

Closing Thoughts

Strictly looking at the performance vinyl windows offer, it’s clear why they’ve been a leading choice for all these years. But when you consider the added benefits to homeowners and contractors alike, they really do stand out as the clear choice. Whether you’re looking to replace your home’s windows or you’re sourcing windows for a client, vinyl should be at the top of your list.


contractors durability homeowners longevity replacement windows safety security simonton vinyl windows
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